Watermelon Single Blade Wire Harness with Crushed Gold Backing

Watermelon Single Blade Wire Harness with Crushed Gold Backing


This weighted colorado single-blade harness lure is colored on the front with our Eye-Fish watermelon design with crushed gold color on the backside, connected with a folded clevis to a wireline featuring a single gold glitter bead, and green, and pink beads.

SKU: 314-W18G Categories: ,


This weighted colorado single-blade harness is colored on the front with our Eye-Fish Watermelon design with holographic crushed gold on the backside, connected with a folded clevis to a 30lb nylon coated stainless wire featuring a single gold glitter bead, and green, and pink beads.

Additional information

Blade Back Color

Gold Crush

Blade Front Color/Pattern

Green, Pink, Watermelon


No Glow

Line Type


